When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

 10:30 am

New Here

Praise Church is a place where people can encounter the Life-Giving power of Jesus Christ, engage in a loving community of passionate people
where everyone is welcome.
We believe in creating a place where people can Worship Free and
discover their gifts to use them for His Glory.
Join us this week!

What does your weekly service look like?

You will be greeted at the door with a smile. Come in and grab yourself a cup of coffee, find a seat. Childcare and KidNation are available for the kids on Sunday mornings. A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a mix of Contemporary and Traditional music that is led by our Worship Team.  
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

What To Wear?

You’ll find everything from suits and ties to blue jeans and tshirts at Central. Feel free to dress in whatever makes you comfortable.

Where to park?

If it's your first time there will be a spot open for you to park in the lot next to the building.
There also is additional parking across the street in the school parking lot. 

What do you have for kids?

We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week.
 KidNation is the place for kids to learn what God and the Bible are all about in a safe, fun environment.